السبت، 10 سبتمبر 2011

Tea: natural medicine 2

      Leaf tea is a scarf with a long life has been as high as its peak to 10 meters and the user is securities of small evergreens, which gathered three times a year and a paper tea up to 30 cm in length and as the paper is a small increased quality, and I said fibers and home to plant tea is currently China, India and Ceylon and Kenya.
We all know the benefits of tea are still experts say, and remember that there are several reasons that should make us more inclined to enjoy a drink over a cup of tea a day, besides fragrant flavor and smell there for health reasons should make us more inclined to drink tea.
The green tea drink, healthy first-degree has been discovered by the Chinese about five thousand years, known since ancient times many benefits to the health of the body.
And green tea favored by Asians in particular, and is made from leaves that have been vaporized and then dried without undergoing fermentation. And is characterized by being a herbal taste fresh and more than black tea.  

The benefits of black tea  

1. Black tea is beneficial to cardiovascular
Doctors at Boston University School of Medicine The American drinking black tea daily can improve the health of the arteries of the heart, and they said they noticed that the health of heart patients who drank four cups of black tea a day for a month, has seen significant improvement.
Researchers believe that tea affects the cells lining the arteries responsible for the production of substances that regulate the expansion and contraction of blood vessels, and adequate flow of blood and prevent clots and inflammation of the walls of blood vessels, which become disrupted and usually in heart disease.

2. Confirmed earlier studies on the benefits of tea on bone disease also as studies have shown that tea protects against osteoporosis.

3. Black tea reduces the percentage of «stress hormone»  

Study reported that black tea a day can help to mitigate the levels of the hormone naturally produced by the body to stop the tension and the fight against infections.

4. The pure black tea led to the improvement of heart function and blood circulation.

5. Does not contain any calories, unless you have been added sugar or honey to it. Each tracker system in order slimming diet known to reduce 250 calories a day means reducing kg during the nearly two weeks, and here comes the role of tea between meals.

6. Used in the treatment of diabetes

Where experts said that tea is the simplest and cheapest types of food to activate the therapeutic action of insulin, since scientific studies have proven that increases the activity of this hormone to 15 times, and stave off the green and black tea and the occurrence of complications of diabetes ....

7. The scientists found that some of the components in the traditional black tea attack harmful bacteria in the mouth that cause gum disease and tooth decay, and others. 
Black tea also hinder, or some of its components, the ability of some types of bacteria that live in the mouth to form clusters with the isotopes decay, bacterial, and thus reducing their populations that cause gum disease and tooth.

Tea: natural medicine

   Leaf tea is a scarf with a long life has been as high as its peak to 10 meters and the user is securities of small evergreens, which gathered three times a year and a paper tea up to 30 cm in length and as the paper is a small increased quality, and I said fibers and home to plant tea is currently China, India and Ceylon and Kenya.
We all know the benefits of tea are still experts say, and remember that there are several reasons that should make us more inclined to enjoy a drink over a cup of tea a day, besides fragrant flavor and smell there for health reasons should make us more inclined to drink tea.
The green tea drink, healthy first-degree has been discovered by the Chinese about five thousand years, known since ancient times many benefits to the health of the body.
And green tea favored by Asians in particular, and is made from leaves that have been vaporized and then dried without undergoing fermentation. And is characterized by being a herbal taste fresh and more than black tea.  
Benefits of green tea  

1.Prevention of arthritis 
Scientists say that green tea helps to prevent arthritis or rheumatism, as is known widely, say the researchers from the University (Sheffield), they found two components in green tea have the ability to prevent some types of arthritis by isolating a type of enzymes that damaged joints.
2. Reduces the risk of prostate cancer
A study conducted by researchers that the daily consumption of green tea reduces the risk of prostate cancer.
Professor (Colin Baines) from the University of Curtin in Perth (Western Australia) newspaper (west Australian) The Chinese scholars compare the cases of 130 Chinese patients with prostate cancer with 274 others do not suffer from this disease and added that the result showed that the risk of prostate cancer falls three times in men who drank tea per day compared with men who do not drink tea.

3. Green tea protects the skin from the harmful effects of sunlight  
A study conducted by researchers at the Medical Science Department Dermatology, University (Case Western Rivers) in Cleveland, in the United States, that green tea may protect the skin from damage caused by the destructive rays of the sun.
The researchers said that green tea contains compounds (polyphenols), a material strong anti-oxidant protection provide optical, chemical, so as to prevent the impact of harmful UV rays.

4. Helps burn fat
Green tea helps to speed up the metabolism, because its anti-oxidant helps the liver to function more effectively
Has discovered a new U.S. study conducted on obese men that drinking green tea three times a day burn 200 extra calories a day also found people who drink green tea that the energy they have been enhanced significantly. Moreover, green tea reduces the level of sugar in the blood, which is responsible for the storage of glucose in the form of fat.

5. Protects the heart from disease  
Studies have shown that green tea reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood
Because the effects of anti-oxidants prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol in the arteries, is considered an abnormal blood clots, the main cause of heart attacks and strokes ...
Also published the American Medical Association study of a 15-year-old says that men who ate four or five cups of green tea a day cut the risk of diagnosed strokes by about 69% compared with those who ate less than three glasses have shown green tea that prevents the formation of blood clots is natural and has the same effectiveness) aspirin) in this area.
As well as studies have shown that green tea increases the levels of beneficial cholesterol, which helps to remove platelets from the fatty walls of the arteries.

6. Helps in reducing blood pressure  
The reason for high blood pressure to the enzyme is produced by the college and are lowering the pressure to prevent the secretion of the enzyme and therefore blood pressure could be reduced by disabling the enzyme, but for green tea is disabled a natural enzyme have been many studies have shown that blood pressure decreased in animals and humans after giving them the preparations of green tea.

7. Green tea anti-infection  
Green tea anti-infection with a variety of infectious bacteria, especially species that cause diarrhea and intestinal common, so the green tea helps to cure these cases.

8. The prevention of skin cancer  
The U.S. scientists have developed a cream to prevent skin cancer and the magical element in this type of cream is green tea, knowncharacteristics of anti-cancer. And help natural antioxidants in green tea to prevent the growth of cancer cells in the skin.

9. Reduce the risk of bacterial food poisoning  
Because green tea kill the bacteria, the drink with meals can reduce the risk of bacterial food poisoning, as well as green tea prevents the growth of bacteria in the intestine and help the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestine.

10. Green tea prevents bad breath

N. Green tea is a natural actor with an anti-bacterial food can help kill bacteria in the mouth which cause tooth decay and bad breath ......
He also said a report released from the hospital (Yale - New Haven) to resist the green tea gum disease and prevent the proliferation of bacteria that cause tooth decay.
It was clear from research studies and that each cup of green tea contains a 9 milligrams of fluoride, which requires him to adult body every day from 5 to 4 milligrams to provide the necessary protection of the teeth.
To overcome the pain of internecine researchers suggest that a range of chewing green tea leaves on the internecine painful enough to ease the pain if the early exacerbated by inflammation.
11. Protect against disease, loss of brain cells which is called (Parkinson)  
Previous studies have suggested conducted on laboratory animals that green tea extract may have benefits in preventing Parkinson's disease, without explaining the mechanism by which this takes place.
But scientists at the American Academy of Neurology have made progress in the perception of the mechanism under which the polyphenols in protection from Parkinson's disease.
And Parkinson's disease is characterized by loss of brain cells that produce dopamine, which control movement, researchers have found in the Baylor Medical College in Houston that the antioxidants in tea help to control radioactive elements that damage the brain, causing Parkinson's disease.

12. A study published recently have shown that green tea protects against complications of photo dynamic therapy in psoriasis invalids.

13. Research has shown that drinking green tea is linked to reducing the risk of cancer, researchers said, where green tea is fighting cancer, with tumors inhibits the growth of blood vessels that feed these tumors and help them survive and grow.  

14. Cute as a tonic tea contains three compounds activated, making tea in the ranks of herbs that address diseases, asthma and chest.

15. Green tea improves kidney function, kidney failure and irresistible.

How do we contribute in solving the waste problem

1. Reduction of waste production by:
  1.  change the pattern of consumption, such as habits such as improper cooking of large quantities of food or purchase food may not be consumed by the individual and the way to take the waste.
  2. Waste Isolation:
  •  foods.
  •  dry batteries.
  •  fluorescent lamps because they contain mercury.
  •  medicines (medicines can be returned to health centers).
  •  solvents / detergents / pesticides.
  •  materials that can be recycle, such as paper, plastic, glass, metals.
2. Conduct selective when buying consumer goods, as:
  •  Avoid buying cups and saucers, spoons, plastic and paper is returned, which can not be used again in order to reduce the amount of garbage.
  •  When selecting print materials and decorations to ask if there are types of recyclable or re-packaged
  • Do not accept from the seller more than our need of plastic bags.
  • Why do not we buy what we need? 
3. The application of intuitive ways to reuse what we have to decide before discarding it as waste:
  •  re-use plastic bags that we took when it bought several times before dumping.
  • When you buy cans of cheese or jam glass prepared using these cans instead of throwing them.
  •  Use both sides of paper for writing.
  •  Clothes that no longer suits us may fit others, as well as school bags and other luggage that is still in good condition.
4. Learning skills and new ways to re-use of domestic raw materials:
  •  Are there examples of those skills.
  • send us any new skill you know to get to know them all together and try to apply them.
5. Record addresses of factories and the companies that re-manufacture of household waste paper, plastic, glass or metal and be sure to familiarize yourself and your children to separate these materials from other waste. 

تدوير النفايات في العالم العربي

قدرت دراسة اقتصادية صادرة عن جامعة الدول العربية في القاهرة حجم خسائر الدول العربية الناجم عن تجاهلها إعادة تدوير المخلفات بنحو 5 مليارات دولار سنوياً. موضحة أن كمية المخلفات في الوطن العربي تبلغ نحو 89.6 مليون طن سنوياً وتكفي لاستخراج نحو 14.3 مليون طن ورق قيمتها ملياران و145 مليون دولار وانتاج 1.8 مليون طن حديد خردة بقيمة 135 مليون دولار بالإضافة لحوالي 75 ألف طن بلاستيك قيمتها 1.4 مليار دولار. فضلاً عن 202 مليون طن قماش بقيمة 110 ملايين دولار وكذا إنتاج كميات ضخمة من الأسمدة العضوية والمنتجات الأخرى بقيمة تتجاوز مليارا و225 مليون دولار.

وذكرت الدراسة التي أعدها الدكتور أحمد عبد الوهاب الحائز جائزة مجلس الوزراء العرب المسئولين عن البيئة أن الخسائر العربية لإهمال تدوير المخلفات لا تقف عند حد قيمة المنتجات التي يمكن الحصول عليها من عمليات إعادة التدوير وإنما تمتد إلى تكلفة دفن هذه المخلفات ومقاومة الآفات والحشرات الناتجة عنها. موضحة أن الدول العربية تنفق في هذا المجال نحو 2.5 مليار دولار سنوياً لمقاومة الأضرار الناتجة عن حوالي 1353 مليون طن من المخلفات الحيوانية و196.5 مليون طن من المخلفات الزراعية مقابل 18870 مليون متر مكعب من مياه الصرف الصحي. مشيرة إلى أن إجمالي ما يتم جمعه من هذه المخلفات لا يوازي سوى 50% من حجمها . وأن تكلفة جمع ودفن هذه المخلفات تتجاوز 850 مليون دولار، فضلاً عن 1.7 مليار دولار أخرى لمقاومة الآثار البيولوجية والصحية والنفسية لتلك المخلفات.

ووصفت الدراسة الاستثمارات العربية الموظفة في مجال تدوير المخلفات بصفة عامة والصلبة بصفة خاصة بأنها متواضعة ومحدودة ولا تتجاوز 200 مليون دولار وأن معظم هذه المشروعات لا تتجاوز كونها محاولات فردية وبإمكانات ضعيفة في الوقت الذي يجب فيه إنشاء صناعات متكاملة وقوية قادرة على إعادة تدوير المخلفات والاستفادة مما تنتجه من ورق وزجاج وأسمدة وبلاستيك ومواد أخرى يمكن إدخالها كمستلزمات إنتاج في صناعات عديدة.مشيرة إلى أن الصناعة الحديثة تمكنت أخيرا من إعادة تدوير كافة أنواع المخلفات الصلبة والعضوية وأن صناعة تدوير المخلفات باتت من أهم الصناعات الواعدة في العالم حيث تستحوذ على 28% من اجمالي الاستثمارات الصناعية في الولايات المتحدة الأميركية و23% في بريطانيا و35% في ألمانيا.

The most important areas of waste recycling

1 - paper recycling:
The economic process of the first degree; This is because according to the statistical and the Environmental Protection Agency, USA, the production of one ton of paper from waste paper 100% will provide (4100 kw / h) energy, and will also provide 28 cubic meters of water, in addition to a lack of in air pollution caused by 24 kilograms of air pollutants. In spite of this, it is in the United States to recycle paper and 20.9 tons per year compared to only 52.4 tons of paper are disposed of without recycling. The recycled paper it uses to print daily newspapers.

2 - plastic recycling:  
Plastic is divided into many types can be summed up in two main types Hard Plastic and Thin Film Plastic, and are washed prior to recycling plastic material caustic soda added to hot water. After that is dry and cracking plastic re-used in the manufacture of clothespins, and hangers, plastic pipes, electricity, not recommended to use plastic waste in the production of products that interact with food. The plastic bags are re-crystallized in the crystal machines.

3 - Recycle metal scraps:  
It consisted mainly of aluminum and steel; where it can be re-melted in foundries, iron and smelting aluminum, and is considered solid waste that can be recycled 100%, and an infinite number of times, and you need the process of recycling steel for less energy than the energy needed for extraction of alloys, the the cost of recycling aluminum, they represent only 20% of manufacturing cost, and you need a recycling aluminum to only 5% of the energy needed.

4 - recycling glass:  
The glass industry of sand is one of the industries that use energy significantly; the manufacturing process where you need to temperatures up to 1600 degrees Celsius, and the recycling of glass would need to be much less energy.

And presents the world today in landfills and centers landfill nearly two thirds of the aluminum manufacturer globally, and three-quarters of what it produces iron and steel plants, paper mills, but most of the plastic product ends up in places the collection of waste to get rid of burial or cremation.

Golden Rule 4R

The recycling of waste a four pillars upon which the process of waste management  or the so-called golden rule 4R, which should increase the awareness of it, namely:

1 - Reduction:

The intention here is to reduce the raw materials used, thus reducing waste, is this:

Either by using fewer raw materials.
Or by using the raw materials produce less waste.
Or by reducing materials used in packaging such as plastic, paper, metals, and this calls for environmentally conscious of both the investor and the product; For example, in the United States committed itself to a lot of producers of liquid soap with its focus; until they are packed in smaller packages, or the production of toothpaste without external packaging cardboard, and this so-called (Waste minimization).

2 - Reuse:
This means - for example - re-use plastic bottles for mineral water for example, after sterilization, and re-fill bottles and jars after use, this method can reduce the volume of waste, but it calls for environmentally conscious the general public in how to dispose of their waste, and a process of sorting is simple for each of the waste plastic and paper, glass and metal prior to disposal, we find in both Japan and the United States rubbish bins color in each region and Street; so that the dumping of waste paper in green funds, waste plastic, glass and metal in the blue boxes, and remnants of food or so-called biomass in black boxes.

3 - Recycling:
It is intended to recycling is the reuse of waste; for the production of other products of lower quality than the original product.

4 - Recovery:
And use the technology recovery heat in many countries, especially Japan; for safe disposal of solid waste, hazardous waste solid and liquid, and hospital wastes, and sludge from sewage and industrial, and through the burning of such waste under the operating conditions such as temperature and duration of combustion, so to control emissions and the extent of compliance with environmental laws. This method is characterized by the disposal of 90% of the solids, and converted to thermal energy can be exploited in industrial processes or to generate steam or electricity.

Types of recycling and its benefits

When the product is a composite of several materials, disassembly and easy to use, we collected, for example: 
Recycling of glass bottles to make new ones. 
Paper and cardboard (from magazines and newspapers ...) for the manufacture of paper and carton another. 
Recycling of textile materials. 
Recycling tires is usable for conversion to other rubber materials. 
Recycling of aluminum material to paper, aluminum packaging, some car parts. 
Recycling steel to some of the compounds vehicles, and tools. 
Recycling of plastic materials to the packaging materials, bags, some types of clothing, toys, household items, etc. .... 
Recycling of waste water to safe water thanks to treatment plants and water purification. 
 Benefits of recycling 
So, all these processes reduce the need for the need to drain more of the natural sources of new raw materials extraction, such as: 
1. Logging for paper industry .... etc. 
2. Steel can be recovered in the economy from the use of iron and depletion of the mines of this vital substance. 
3. Every ton of plastic can be recovered from a 700 kg of crude oil. 
4. Recovery of 1 kg of aluminum provides us with about 8 kg of bauxite, 4 kg of chemical products and 14 kilowatt / hours of electricity. 
5. All the tons of cardboard, we can provide recovered 2.5 tons of wood forests. 
6. All the paper-saving feedback to us 1 liter of water, 2.5 Watt / hours of electricity and 15 grams of wood. 
In theory all the material can be converted, but some types of economic transformation is yielding much less, so we can not convert anything for example: costs of conversion of electronic materials is very expensive. In the absence of the possibility of retrieval of the material, which can be used to produce and use energy by burning fuel for heating, for example, and there is the possibility of extracting methane gas by the process of converting some food and some of the waste in the water purification plants.

Waste recycling

 Waste recycling 
  "Wealth is lost      

Recycling of waste exists in nature since ancient times, waste some organisms are food for other organisms, has practiced the process of recycling human waste since the early times where the metal melts the material to be converted to the new tools.

The recycling is a transfer of a commodity no value to the commodity of interest, thus representing the real added value to national product. And look the importance of recycling because it represents a kind of investment opportunities, low cost and high profit, and thus facilitates the entry of social groups, poor or middle cannot invest in areas that need considerable financial resources.

And started the idea of ​​recycling during World War I and II, where countries were suffering from severe shortages of some basic materials such as rubber, prompting them to collect such waste materials for reuse.

Years later, became the recycling process of the most important methods of managing waste disposal; for the many environmental benefits of this process.

For many years the recycling direct by producers of waste materials (scrap) is the primary form of recycling, but with the beginning of the nineties of the twentieth century began to focus on recycling direct any manufacturing waste materials to produce other products based on the same raw material, such as: recycling glass, paper, plastic, aluminum and other materials that are being recycled.

Since that identified the communities to environmental problems, many countries have taken action to recover the waste, as well as reducing the spread of hazardous waste, usefulness of the process of converting a very large waste are:  
1. Protect natural resources
2. Reduce waste
3. Create new jobs
4. Protection of nature and economy in raw materials.  
Logo Universal waste recycling

الأربعاء، 7 سبتمبر 2011

Cardboard Recycling

Cardboard industry is one of the major and important industries that depend on them most productive companies in the packaged products and that what distinguishes a cardboard of durability and resistance to shocks to rupture.  
Given the importance of this industry and the availability of raw materials for expansion, it grew and grew and spread with waste and shame that can be easily recycled chemical processes suitable for the production of good quality cardboard.  

The need to build project  

Consume most of the large amounts of paper in various fields, despite the substitution of plastic sometimes in place of paper packaging operations accept that the paper is still used frequently for this purpose.  

Besides increasing the number of newspapers and magazines published daily or weekly all this led to a rise for paper consumed. Which reflected an increase in the consumption of forest trees, which leads to the disruption of order and balance environmental oxygen in the air and the world are heading now to recycle waste paper or paper used to reduce the amount of paper made from trees, thus reducing the number of trees harvested besides reducing the amount of paper that some people burning to get rid of them, which leads to increased carbon dioxide at the expense of air and oxygen that leads to environmental pollution suffered by the world.  

The printed paper contains toxic materials used in manufacturing inks and colors of paper and disposal by incineration produces toxic fumes and result from the same paper, a carbon material as small granules attached to the air and attack the respiratory tract of both humans and animals.  

For that project is the recycling of waste paper and recycled for the production of cardboard from the projects of economic importance, environmental, and the raw materials for the industries are available and many the remnants of public bodies or printing presses besides the volume of waste paper located in ambushes garbage. It is therefore clear the importance and need for society to establish such this project.