السبت، 10 سبتمبر 2011

Waste recycling

 Waste recycling 
  "Wealth is lost      

Recycling of waste exists in nature since ancient times, waste some organisms are food for other organisms, has practiced the process of recycling human waste since the early times where the metal melts the material to be converted to the new tools.

The recycling is a transfer of a commodity no value to the commodity of interest, thus representing the real added value to national product. And look the importance of recycling because it represents a kind of investment opportunities, low cost and high profit, and thus facilitates the entry of social groups, poor or middle cannot invest in areas that need considerable financial resources.

And started the idea of ​​recycling during World War I and II, where countries were suffering from severe shortages of some basic materials such as rubber, prompting them to collect such waste materials for reuse.

Years later, became the recycling process of the most important methods of managing waste disposal; for the many environmental benefits of this process.

For many years the recycling direct by producers of waste materials (scrap) is the primary form of recycling, but with the beginning of the nineties of the twentieth century began to focus on recycling direct any manufacturing waste materials to produce other products based on the same raw material, such as: recycling glass, paper, plastic, aluminum and other materials that are being recycled.

Since that identified the communities to environmental problems, many countries have taken action to recover the waste, as well as reducing the spread of hazardous waste, usefulness of the process of converting a very large waste are:  
1. Protect natural resources
2. Reduce waste
3. Create new jobs
4. Protection of nature and economy in raw materials.  
Logo Universal waste recycling

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